BizPayO allows partial refunds in situations where the entire amount does not need to be refunded to a customer.ย
Partial Refund FAQ
How do I initial a partial refund for my customer?
From any transaction with a Funded status simply click the Refund Transaction button and you will be prompted for how much you wish to refund.
How long does it typically take for the partial refund to credit for charge card and ACH?
The speed of a partial refund is the same as a normal refund. Credit/debit card transactions may show a pending refund immediately depending on the customers bank and if they display that information. Funding for the refund will actually take place within the next 24 to 48 hours depending on when the refund is run and when the cutoff times fall. However it will operate in the same speed as normal transactions.
Are there any extra fees with a partial refund?
There are no additional fees for a partial refund. However there is the $0.25 per transaction fee that will still apply as it does for a normal refund.
ACH Return fees will apply the same if there are any issues with the customers bank to process the request.
Is there anything else to be aware of before initiating a partial refund?
Partial refunds are supported through the bank that BizPayO merchants are using. There are some banks that partial refunds are not supported through however.
Also note that after a partial refund, the remaining portion can then be refunded, but not another partial refund on the remaining amount.
If you have any other questions please drop us a line in the chat bubble below.